Level 4 Module Overview
Old Module Overview
Encapsulation, Switch Statements and Enums
Learning Objectives:
- Access Modifiers: Differentiate between each type and when to use them
- Getters and Setters: Know what they are useful for and how to make them
- Switch: Understand when to use a switch versus an if/else and its restrictions
- Enum: Use them for unique sets of values and use default values, methods and member variables inside them
Exceptions, Abstract Classes/Interfaces, Polymorphism
Learning Objectives:
- Exceptions: Making/Throwing/Catching Exceptions, using finally block, spotting different kinds of Exceptions
- Abstract Classes/Interfaces: Understanding differences between Abstract Classes and Interfaces and where they are used
- Polymorphism: How Polymorphism interacts with Abstract Classes/Interfaces and Inheritance
Generics, Scanners, Do-While, Ternary
Learning Objectives:
- Generics: Use Generics to allow classes to interact with any type, or a limited subset of types
- Scanner: Read user input with Scanners as Strings and other types
- Do-While: Create do-while loops for code that needs to run at least once
- Ternary Operator: Use Ternary operators responsibly when it would make simple if/else statements more readable
LinkedLists, Binary Trees, AVLTrees
Learning Objectives:
- LinkedLists: Understand differences between ArrayLists and LinkedLists, their advantages, and how to traverse a list through references
- Binary Tree: Use a Binary Trees to store and retrieve data and have a basic understanding of how it decides where to place data
- AVLTree: Know how the AVL property creates balanced binary trees